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Being overworked and under stress can lead to burnout, a state of physical and mental exhaustion that can affect the joy of your life. It can also affect your relationships. Some of the triggers that can trigger this condition include being involved in stressful situations, such as caring for a sick family member or watching the news about school safety.

Although burnout is a common issue, it can be hard to spot. This guide will help you identify its signs and prevent them from happening in the first place. The good news is that there are things we can do to help prevent burnout from occurring.

What is Burnout?

During the 1970s, psychologist Herbert Freudenberger coined burnout to describe the stress that can lead to severe emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. This condition makes it difficult for people to handle their daily responsibilities and cope with stress.

Individuals suffering from burnout often feel hopeless and have nothing left to give. They may also become pessimistic about their lives. If left untreated, this condition can lead to various health issues, such as diabetes and depression.

Flexible Schedules

Most people juggle multiple life and work responsibilities at the same time. If their managers approve of a flexible work schedule, it can help them achieve work-life balance and avoid burnout. For instance, employees who can start work later can take their kids to school. Although it may not be easy to implement, offering flexible work hours can significantly impact an employee’s personal life.

Stress & Stress Management

Having a good understanding of the human stress response can help you manage it. For instance, it can be helpful to remind yourself that our stress response evolved to keep us safe.

When preparing for battle, our bodies undergo various physiological changes. These include increased blood flow, which can trigger a heart rate spike. Being able to recognize the signs of stress can help you take action to address your needs.

No Working During Breaks/Vacations

Mobility and connectivity can bring about disadvantages. The expectation that employees always have to be able to address matters outside of working hours can result in people working weekends and nights.

While workers need to stay competitive, being on call can be very draining. Employees must take advantage of their vacation time to disconnect from their phones and emails.